[MlMt] mailMate unusable due to server error messages/dialog windows

Benny Kjær Nielsen mailinglist at freron.com
Fri Oct 25 06:51:02 EDT 2013

On 25 Oct 2013, at 12:13, Jason Davies wrote:

> My college Exchange (via IMAP) account is making it impossible to use 
> MailMate because of an endless string of error messages halting 
> everything.
> ![](cid:30D86957-A8D1-477A-8E4A-1421FE9A1A2D at me.com "Screen Shot 
> 2013-10-25 at 11.04.23.png")
> There are two issues (given I can't do anything about the server)
> 1) the frequency: I get bursts of these every second or two for 
> several *minutes* sometimes. Everything else just stops so I can click 
> on Always Ignore for a while. Not fun. Otherwise they are 'just 
> frequent' and annoying.

Very understandable. The window is a workaround for an Exchange bug 
where it claims some messages exist and then refuses to let MailMate 
fetch them.

> 2) The sheer number of UIDs listed means that the error window scrolls 
> below the screen so all I can do is click return to temporarily 
> ignore. I can't actually persuade the window to show me the Always 
> Ignore option. So it returns...

I can certainly fix that part (creating a shorter string).

> Is there a more graceful way to manage this? Eg can I hit Always 
> Ignore via the keyboard?

Yes, if you enable “System Preferences ▸ Keyboard Shortcuts ▸ Full 
Keyboard Access”. I would recommend that in general. You can then 
'tab' between buttons and press “space” to push them. In this case, 
you would simply hit space when the window is shown.

> Can the errors be stored in a log rather than require a prompt? AT 
> this point I'd rather have them just collect as notes since I can't 
> actually do anything about them anyway so the window's options are 
> meaningless....

Yes, they could be logged, but then you wouldn't be aware of the 
(assumed) server problem (it might be a symptom of something worse -- a 
corrupted server mailbox perhaps). I would like to verify that the 
server is to blame and not MailMate: Hold down ⇧ when clicking 
“Retry” and a log file should be generated. You can send that to me 
by private email.

Thanks in advance. I'm sorry about the nuisance of this issue. MailMate 
is relatively strict about reporting server problems to the user. In 
this case, I guess clicking “Always Ignore” could/should ensure that 
the window is not shown again for any other messages in the same 

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