[MlMt] mail redirection

aisrael alain.israel at pasteur.fr
Tue May 28 03:44:55 EDT 2024

Several years ago I set up a mechanism to forward my emails (at least 
those in one of my 2 accounts) to my Gmail account, that I could use as 
a sort of backup.

More recently, for reasons which are too long to explain, I had to 
delete my Gmail account. The problem is that I can’t remember whether 
setting up this redirection involved Gmail or Mailmate, and despite the 
fact that the Gmail account no longer exists, the redirection seems to 
still be active, and I receive an error message (The email account that 
you tried to reach does not exist) for each mail which arrives in my 
Inbox. Does anyone know whether this type of redirection involves a 
setting in Gmail or Mailmate? If it is in Gmail, and that it keeps 
working after the Gmail account has been deleted, I am definitely in 
trouble. If it is in Mailamte, there may be a way to solve the problem, 
and I was hoping you might be able to help.

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