[MlMt] Keystroke for "Load Once"?

Annamarie Pluhar annamarie.pluhar at gmail.com
Sat Mar 16 07:54:09 EDT 2019

Thank you Sherif. I kind thought it might be a key binding but I’m 
stuck… (not a coder but on computers since the dark ages of floppy 
disks so file management is comfortable)

According to the documentation:

“It is also possible to create new key bindings files in the following 
folder location:

~/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Resources/KeyBindings/
If you create a file named Special.plist then you need to add Special to 
the comma-separated list of names in the Preferences, for example, 
Gmail, Special.”

But I don’t have a “Resources” folder … Unless it is hidden and 
I have to use Terminal - in which case I’m in over my head. It is not 
clear to me if I would create a new file inside KeyBindings or add that 
line of code to the file “Key Bindings” if I could find it.

Would love to understand this.


Annamarie Pluhar
802-579-5975 (iPhone - not good when I'm at my desk.)

On 15 Mar 2019, at 13:39, Sherif Soliman wrote:

> On 15 Mar 2019, at 4:49, Annamarie Pluhar wrote:
>> Hi all
>> Last time I asked for a keystroke it turned out that it was obvious 
>> so I’m going to ask for another. Is there one for “Load Once” 
>> to get the images that are embedded in an email to load? OR a 
>> preference I’ve missed OR??
>> Thanks.
>> Annamarie Pluhar
> I don't know if there is a pre-existing keystroke for it, but I have 
> the Load Once action bound to "L" (Shift + l) in my [MailMate 
> keybindings](https://manual.mailmate-app.com/custom_key_bindings) 
> file:
>         "L" = "loadImagesOnce:";
> It works as you would expect - loads the images in an email you're 
> already viewing, but the next message you open will not have its 
> images/external references loaded until you invoke Shift + l again. 
> Hope this helps.
> Sherif

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