[MlMt] Gmail login failure

Dries Geeroms d at driesgeeroms.com
Sun Jun 15 21:25:02 EDT 2014

>> MailMate was working fine for a while with my Gmail account, but recently I started getting this error all the time:
>> Server response: “A1 NO [ALERT] Too many simultaneous connections. (Failure)”. Command attempted: “A1 AUTHENTICATE PLAIN
>> Any ideas what might be causing this?

I'm having the same issue with my iMac at work. I've been talking to
Benny about it off list for a while now. The weird thing is that it
never happens at home when working on my laptop, but I'll have the exact
same issue when I bring my laptop to the office.

The internet at work is supposed to be much better than the network at
home. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that  everyone here is
using Gmail (we're on Google apps). No one else is using MailMate though 

> For some reason Gmail thinks MailMate has made too many connections to the server. It's not quite clear how Gmail counts connections, but based on other reports I tried to fix this problem in r4229 of MailMate. Hold down ⌥ when clicking “Check Now” in the Software Update preferences pane to get a test release including this improvement. Then let me know if it is still an issue.

Still not fixed for me, like you probably know.

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