[MlMt] mail redirection

Michael Nietzold lists.freron.com at nietzold.com
Tue May 28 12:45:00 EDT 2024

Here’s a refined version of your text in better US English:


- Looking at the error message and all the headers might reveal the 
source of the redirection.

	While the message is open, do the following:

	1. Go to View -> Show Raw Message

- Also, check your "Sent" folder for the redirected messages and examine 
the headers in RAW view.

- Verify when the messages are being sent, both when the MailMate app is 
running and when it is not.

However, I suspect that there is a redirection rule set on the server 

On 28 May 2024, at 9:44, aisrael wrote:

> Several years ago I set up a mechanism to forward my emails (at least 
> those in one of my 2 accounts) to my Gmail account, that I could use 
> as a sort of backup.
> More recently, for reasons which are too long to explain, I had to 
> delete my Gmail account. The problem is that I can’t remember 
> whether setting up this redirection involved Gmail or Mailmate, and 
> despite the fact that the Gmail account no longer exists, the 
> redirection seems to still be active, and I receive an error message 
> (The email account that you tried to reach does not exist) for each 
> mail which arrives in my Inbox. Does anyone know whether this type of 
> redirection involves a setting in Gmail or Mailmate? If it is in 
> Gmail, and that it keeps working after the Gmail account has been 
> deleted, I am definitely in trouble. If it is in Mailamte, there may 
> be a way to solve the problem, and I was hoping you might be able to 
> help.
> Alain_______________________________________________
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