[MlMt] messages not actually moving to Trash/Deleted

Jason Davies ophiochoslists at gmail.com
Tue May 28 11:16:48 EDT 2024

On 28 May 2024, at 16:01, Bill Cole wrote:

> So, what I think is happening is that you've somehow gotten your 2 Macs deleting by different procedures. I know that I discussed this issue some years ago with Benny (here) and I thought the result was a configurable setting, but I cannot find that setting now. You may find it by doing a settings dump ("defaults read com.freron.MailMate" ) on both Macs and comparing them.

aha, this sounds very plausible. And I've just found the page about rebuilding the database and transferring settings between computers so I can at least standardise them.

Because I have a lot of throughput at work, and often need to be able to read them for a couple of months (but no longer), I have a manual system for leaving them in trash then simply deleting immediately anything that is over 4 months old (smart folder). This sounds clunky but also deals with the proliferation of different 'trash' folders that using different emailers on different platforms seems to have got me into.

Thanks for the explanation, it makes sense, I'll go and try to put it into practice;)



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