[MlMt] messages expecting reply

Randall Gellens mailmate at randy.pensive.org
Thu May 2 12:34:39 EDT 2024

On 30 Apr 2024, at 4:42, aisrael wrote:

> I would like to include in a mailbox the messages which are waiting 
> for an answer (this is easy : I just tag them, and create a smart 
> mailbox that contains these tagged emails (but there may be other 
> ways), but more complicated : I would like to remove them from this 
> smart mailbox (for example by untagging them) when they receive an 
> answer. I am pretty sure this problem has been treated in the past in 
> this forum, but I can’t seem to find the right conversation.

What you want is a rule that:

  1. Detects that an incoming message is a part of a thread.
  2. That the previous message (or perhaps a previous message) in the 
thread is tagged with "awaiting-reply" (or whatever).
3. Removed the tag from the tagged message.

Or, alternately, a rule on the virtual mailbox that contains the tagged 
messages that removes the tag when a reply is received:

1. Message contains the tag.
2. Thread of the message has a later message.
3. Action: remove the tag.

I don't know you would do this. My experience with rules is that they 
act on a message based on criteria of the message (as opposed to 
checking a different message).

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