[MlMt] To *not* generate HTML

Pete Resnick resnick at episteme.net
Fri Jun 28 22:31:36 EDT 2024

Using 1.14 (6038). In "Composer" settings, I have "Generate HTML even if 
only for styling" turned *off*. However, as far as I can tell, HTML is 
*always* generated, even if the only thing in the message is italic 
(like this message). Am I missing some other setting? Has this not 
worked for a long time? My desire was for this message to send with a 
top-level type of "Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; 
markup=markdown". I seem to be getting a multipart/alternative with a 
first part of markdown and a second part of HTML.

Pete Resnick https://www.episteme.net/
All connections to the world are tenuous at best
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