[MlMt] Mailmate hangs when editing rules

Erik Mueller-Harder mailmate at lists.erikmh.org
Sun Jun 23 13:26:33 EDT 2024

Hey, Paul —

I’m doing something similar now — though instead of a bespoke Johnny Decimalish system I’ve elected to go with strict alphabetic folders (labels, really) for each correspondent, as well as one for each year (1990 to present). I have about 300,000 messages, and also use Fastmail.

I have found it most practical to use server rules and features whenever possible for two reasons:
 1. Messages will be much more likely to be exactly where I expect them and in the state that I expect them to be in no matter whether I’m using my primary Mac client (MailMate) or a web interface or an iDevice app.
 2. It lightens the CPU load on my Mac.
 3. If my Mac or Mac client is out of commission or offline or giving a presentation or something, mail processing continues without me.
There are some actions that Fastmail doesn’t support (moving or labelling messages after a certain amount of time has passed, for example) that must be done locally; for these, of course, I do use MailMate rules.

In the past, I have found it *absolutely critical* if I want to avoid client crashes and SPODs to do reörganization work directly in the Fastmail interface, and to keep IMAP/JMAP clients utterly in the dark (offline) until I have finished.

Once I’ve finished reörganization in Fastmail, I reëngage clients one at a time by relaunching them *and waiting for them to completely sync* before I launch any other clients.

And at *this* point I will engage (or create) any necessary MailMate rules.

I hope this helps, and would be happy to answer any questions (although I’m scheduled for surgery and a couple of days in the hospital shortly, so there may be a delay!).

— Erik <https://erikmh.org/>

**2024-06-23 13:07 | [Paul Atlan](mailto:paulatlan at fastmail.fm)**:
> I’m trying to tame my fastmail account by creating a number of nested mailboxes with rules and conditions.
> (not really relevant, but I’m using my own take on the Johnny Decimal system)…
> There are about 14 000 messages in my fastmail account.
> Unfortunately, MailMate hangs very often (as in , three times in the last ten minutes) when editing the mailbox rules.
> I haven’t been able to nail down a specific action that makes it hang.
> In some cases, if I wait a minute it will finish whatever task is ongoing and un-hang, but most of the time I’ll have to restart mail mate.
> Is there a way:
>  • to identifiy wich actions create the hang-up , so I can maybe mitigate them
>  • alternatively to edit the rules “off-line” as it where and then apply them?
> Thanks!
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