[MlMt] tags and email client

aisrael alain.israel at pasteur.fr
Sat Jun 8 07:14:09 EDT 2024

Following these email exchanges with Scott and Benny, I finally went to 
the advanced Search settings of Preside, and much to my surprise, I was 
able to access 25 of my Mailmate tags (why 25 among the ~100 I use, this 
is beyond my limited understanding). This is supposed to be impossible, 
but it seems to work??????


Dear Scott and Benny, thank you for the answers that confirm my worries. 
I do use Mailmate tags extensively, I currently use about a hundred of 
them, including 4-5 of the classical custom IMAP keywords. The only 
other mail client I use is Preside on my iPhone, which is very good but, 
as you explain for the other clients, cannot “read” the tags.  I 
also checked Thunderbird recently, but it still does not work.
Too bad for me.


On 8 Jun 2024, at 9:27, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

> On 7 Jun 2024, at 18:06, aisrael wrote:
>> My understanding, as a non expert in mail clients’ subtleties, is 
>> that it is impossible to transfer tags (or smart mailboxes based on 
>> tags) from Mailmate to another client (except for a few IMAP 
>> keywords). Is it absolutely impossible, or is there a workaround?
> Scott already gave a thorough answer. I'll just add some random 
> thoughts:
> * Not all servers support IMAP keywords, in particular, 
> Office365/Exchange. In those cases, MailMate will quietly (which is 
> kind of bad) make them local-only.
> * Some server have a limit on the number of IMAP keywords which 
> results in various silent errors (like tags getting cleared shortly 
> after being set).
> * Thunderbird has, I think, 5 custom IMAP keywords. Tags can be 
> created in MailMate which map to those keywords and then they should 
> work nicely together.
> * Colored flags in Apple Mail also uses IMAP keywords. MailMate 
> mirrors this behavior.
> -- 
> Benny
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