[MlMt] Mailbox in "(failed)" state, how to fix?

Benny Kjær Nielsen mailinglist at freron.com
Thu Jul 11 07:33:49 EDT 2024

This is an old message and possibly a resolved issue, but I'll answer in 
case anyone finds it googling :)

On 23 Apr 2024, at 17:04, Zvi Biener wrote:

> I wonder if anyone has come across this before. I have a single imap 
> Mailbox that keep going into a failed state, with the mailbox going 
> grey and the word “(failed)” following its name. I’m failed 
> certain that the culprit is report on with the following message in 
> the activity viewer:
> ```
> IMAP - UC (davmail)
> G228 APPEND Archive (|Seen) " 3-Apr-2024 07:51:35 - 0400" {51934584}
> ```
> But I have no idea how to remove this message. I searched the MM 
> directories for “51934584”, but nothing comes up. I’ve tried 
> usubscribing and resubscribing to the sigle box, but this didn’t 
> make a diferent.

When `APPEND` is involved then it's because MailMate is trying to upload 
a message. In this case, a very large message since `51934584` is its 
size in bytes (~52MB). The easiest way to find it would be to select the 
IMAP mailbox and enable/sort the Size column. Alternatively, enable the 
UID column and look for messages without UID (pending to be uploaded).

When found then it can be deleted by holding down ⌥ to do “Message > 
Delete Permanently”. Or it can be moved to an account/mailbox which 
allows a message of that size to be uploaded.

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