[MlMt] To *not* generate HTML

Benny Kjær Nielsen mailinglist at freron.com
Wed Jul 3 07:51:17 EDT 2024

On 2 Jul 2024, at 17:39, Pete Resnick via mailmate wrote:

> On 2 Jul 2024, at 3:05, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
>> For example, most Markdown implementations do not “respect” 
>> hard-wrapping lines. This does not work well for emails and therefore 
>> MailMate handles it differently. Some other email client developer 
>> might make a different decision. The behavior might even differ 
>> between different versions of MailMate (due to changes in its 
>> Markdown utility).
> In these cases, where the Markdown is very variant specific, 
> text/markdown (RFC 7763) is probably the right thing to do instead of 
> text/plain markup=markdown. I understand that would open an entirely 
> new can of worms.

It certainly would. This RFC is fine for MIME types in general, but (in 
practice) I think it would fail completely if used for the actual 
content of the email. Most email clients should just consider it to be 
`text/plain`. That won't happen if it had its own MIME type -- *and* it 
would require the generation of a `text/plain` alternative which would 
essentially mean that the same text would be in the email twice (HTML is 
bad enough).

Another issue is that I strongly believe the use of Markdown in emails 
should nicely co-exist with `format=flowed`.

> Would you like to co-author an RFC? :-)

No :)

>> Maybe the option you really need is for MailMate to only generate 
>> HTML if you use “non-trivial” Markdown.
> That would be fine!

I think something like this is the best way forward. No promises though.

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