[MlMt] How to create a Mailbox Rule which extracts attachments

Benny Kjær Nielsen mailinglist at freron.com
Tue Jul 2 02:21:02 EDT 2024

On 1 Jul 2024, at 16:28, Michael Nietzold wrote:

>> That's not covered by the above since this folder would then need a 
>> unique name like the internal ID.
>>>> It would be even better if this folder then also had the name of 
>>>> the sender of the mail.
> This would be possible if I can setup for the path a template string 
> which any fields of the exported email (like message iid / date parts 
> / current folder / parts of the current file and more)
> It would be nice if it is calculated for each attachment file: because 
> then different files types can be placed in different folders.

If I understand correctly, this is basically how it works. It's just not 
configurable directly in the interface. For now, you'll have to take a 
look at these files within the MailMate app Resources folder:


You can then create files with the same names here:

	~/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Resources/

The idea is to have each of the popup menus have an Edit item to allow 
the user to setup custom options, but right now I'm mainly interested in 
just making sure the default set of options cover most of what people 

>> This is possible now. Using the “Attachments” options, MailMate 
>> will pick any part of an email with a filename assigned in its 
>> headers (which I think is the most robust way to identify 
>> attachments). There's also support for just exporting images or PDFs, 
>> but more variants could be made if needed.
> This can be done if I can use a filter with a regex or some glob 
> syntax: other wise a `*.doc,*.pdf`
> And for everything I can use a `*.*`.

I'd like to avoid having more “patterns” directly in the interface. 
Even for MailMate, expert users (as measured by knowing glob/regex 
patterns) are in the minority.

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