[MlMt] How to create a Mailbox Rule which extracts attachments

Michael Nietzold lists.freron.com at nietzold.com
Mon Jul 1 10:28:34 EDT 2024

> That's not covered by the above since this folder would then need a 
> unique name like the internal ID.
>>> It would be even better if this folder then also had the name of the 
>>> sender of the mail.

This would be possible if I can setup for the path a template string 
which any fields of the exported email (like message iid / date parts / 
current folder / parts of the current file and more)

It would be nice if it is calculated for each attachment file: because 
then different files types can be placed in different folders.

> This is possible now. Using the “Attachments” options, MailMate 
> will pick any part of an email with a filename assigned in its headers 
> (which I think is the most robust way to identify attachments). 
> There's also support for just exporting images or PDFs, but more 
> variants could be made if needed.

This can be done if I can use a filter with a regex or some glob syntax: 
other wise a `*.doc,*.pdf`

And for everything I can use a `*.*`.
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