[MlMt] Update for outlook.com/hotmail.com/live.com users

Benny Kjær Nielsen mailinglist at freron.com
Mon Jul 1 09:05:18 EDT 2024


once again I've changed how MailMate handles some types of 
Microsoft/Exchange/Office365 accounts. I'm not really sure what to call 
them any longer, but I think we are moving towards a point where it's 
just all Office365.

TL;DR — If you have an `@outlook.com/@hotmail.com/@live.com` account 
then you might want to download a recent release of MailMate and then 
enable OAuth2 to see if it works for you. Make sure you use 
`outlook.office365.com` and `smtp.office365.com` as hostnames. This 
might save you sudden connection problems in the middle of September. 
The most recent MailMate release can be found here: 

Here's the long version:

For some time, I've recommended using an app-specific password for 
`@outlook.com/@hotmail.com/@live.com` addresses and using OAuth2 for all 
other Office365-related addresses. Both types of addresses could be used 
with servers at `office365.com`, but I had trouble making the 
`@outlook.com`-family work with that and it wasn't clear to me earlier 
on (based on the labyrinthic Microsoft-documentation) if it was supposed 
to work at all. Last week I received an email from Microsoft about them 
going OAuth2-only, starting September 14th, and that likely meant that 
it was supposed to work :)

I'm not sure if it was always like this or something changed, but the 
problem turned out to be that I was using Office365-specific so-called 

https://outlook.office365.com/SMTP.Send offline_access

I needed to change them to these scopes:

https://outlook.office.com/SMTP.Send offline_access

It's a technicality and I'm just putting this out there in case it's 
useful to someone else googling desperately. Or maybe someone will tell 
me that I'm wrong.

This also means that the scopes used for Office365-accounts have 
changed. I'm not sure if this means that they'll need to 

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