[MlMt] counter colors

Bill Cole mmlist-20120120 at billmail.scconsult.com
Mon Jan 23 23:49:43 EST 2023

On 2023-01-23 at 23:12:38 UTC-0500 (Mon, 23 Jan 2023 20:12:38 -0800)
John Cooper <mailmate at lists.freron.com>
is rumored to have said:

> I think the "binary" designation is just a way to keep text programs 
> from understanding the file as a text-based file.

No, if 'file' says so, it's a binary plist:

~$ file Library/Preferences/com.freron.MailMate.plist
Library/Preferences/com.freron.MailMate.plist: Apple binary property 
~$ hexdump -c $_ |head
0000000   b   p   l   i   s   t   0   0   ? 020   ?  \0 001  \0 002  \0
0000010 003  \0 004  \0 005  \0 006  \0  \a  \0  \b  \0  \t  \0  \n  \0
0000020  \v  \0  \f  \0  \r  \0 016  \0 017  \0 020  \0 021  \0 022  \0
0000030 023  \0 024  \0 025  \0 026  \0 027  \0 030  \0 031  \0 032  \0
0000040 033  \0 034  \0 035  \0 036  \0 037  \0      \0   !  \0   "  \0
0000050   #  \0   $  \0   %  \0   &  \0   '  \0   (  \0   )  \0   *  \0
0000060   +  \0   ,  \0   -  \0   .  \0   /  \0   0  \0   1  \0   2  \0
0000070   3  \0   4  \0   5  \0   6  \0   7  \0   8  \0   9  \0   :  \0
0000080   ;  \0   <  \0   =  \0   >  \0   ?  \0   @  \0   A  \0   B  \0
0000090   C  \0   D  \0   E  \0   F  \0   G  \0   H  \0   I  \0   J  \0

> (BBEdit is one of the few programs that will attempt to open any file 
> you ask it to.)

I do not advise attempting to edit a binary plist in BBEdit. :)

The good news is that you can (at least thru Catalina) convert a binary 
plist to the 'old text' or XML formats and the OS won't care. I believe 
configd always writes in binary these days, but forward compatibility is 
likely to always exist.

Bill Cole
bill at scconsult.com or billcole at apache.org
(AKA @grumpybozo and many *@billmail.scconsult.com addresses)
Not Currently Available For Hire

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