[MlMt] Finer control of blacklist

Randall Gellens mailmate at randy.pensive.org
Thu Oct 20 19:02:40 EDT 2022

On 18 Oct 2022, at 16:23, Malcolm Fitzgerald wrote:

> I receive mail from a person that I always want to block. They always 
> use the name "Steve Wroblewski" but they use a different email address 
> each time. The options for blocking seem to be "User Name <email>" or 
> "<email>".
> Is it possible for me to block this person using their name? Or should 
> I set up a rule for this? I simply want email from them to be 
> permanently deleted.

I have a rule exactly like this in my "Spam (obvious) rule":

[From -> Name] [is] [xxx]

In my case, the spam has a consistent name and part of the subject, with 
different from and to addresses, and modifications of the subject, so my 
rule is a compound rule:

[All} of the following are true
    [From -> Name] [is] [Mel Gonzales]
    [Subject] [Contains] [Electronic Waste Collection]


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