[MlMt] Moving an offline account to a new computer

Verdon Vaillancourt verdonv at gmail.com
Thu Aug 13 11:20:26 EDT 2020


I’ve got a couple ideas, but I thought I would reach out to the 
community for advice and opinion on the following scenario.

On an old computer, I had an instance of MailMate with several IMAP 
accounts configured. One of the accounts was an old work account and was 
no longer accessible to me. I left it off-line in MailMate so I could 
still search and refer to the local copy.

I moved to a new computer. I wanted to start fresh with MailMate on the 
new computer, so I installed MM and configured all my accounts, 
excepting the old work one. I let IMAP do it’s thing and everything is 

Is there a way I can manually move the local contents of the off-line 
account from MailMate on the old computer to the new? Would I be better 
to try to use an archiving tool (MailSteward, Mail Archiver X, etc) on 
the old computer and forget about trying to get it into MM on the new?

I’d appreciate any thoughts.

Best rgds,

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