[MlMt] Preview Pane should show last new item

Michael Nietzold lists.freron.com at nietzold.com
Tue Mar 26 10:20:36 EDT 2019

1) funny - i was not aware that there are multiple messages also in the 
preview pane. i never need this but i think there is a use case for it 
(print multiple messages). then it makes sense that is in the date order 
and the newest massage is visible.

2) but i like more the behavior of Apple Mail: only the last selected 
mail should be in preview pane. in apple i can select a bunch of emails 
and while selecting i can easy fast read the last selected email if is 
there something important (for example in spam folder). and then hit 
delete. in mailmate i need to select each mail and later need to select 
all messages.

3) maybe it would enough to have an option:

Messages Preview:
( ) all selected
(*) only current selected mail

then it should show only the mail where the current "cursor" is

On 26 Mar 2019, at 13:50, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

> On 6 Mar 2019, at 17:41, Michael Nietzold wrote:
>> When:
>> - i select in 3Pane view some messages
>> what i see:
>> - when i select vom up to down then always the same first (by Date) 
>> message is in preview
>> - the same message is always reloaded on each new selected
>> - if i revert the order by Date then it is reverted: i always see the 
>> first message by Date
>> what i expect:
>> - always the new selected message should be in preview
>> - when i select from up to down then the last message
>> - when i select from down to up then the first message
> Just to be sure, this is about selecting multiple messages in the 
> message list?
> First of all, current behavior is kind of random (but most often 
> related to date). The whole “previewing multiple messages” feature 
> is a bit of a hack and it'll stay that way until I hopefully get 
> around to replace it with a solution based on multiple HTML views 
> instead of putting everything into one view (which doesn't really work 
> with HTML).
> In any case, I think most users would expect the order to be the same 
> as the order in the message list -- disregarding the selection 
> order... It could possibly be an optional feature, but keep in mind 
> that this is the first time anyone has requested this behavior.
> -- 
> Benny
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