[MlMt] mail,box rules?

Tracy Valleau tracy at dlsi.biz
Sat Sep 8 02:52:40 EDT 2018


Long ago and far away, I added a rule (to the inbox, I thought) that 
moved an incoming email from a particular person to a particular 
mailbox. (For some reason, ONLY that one person was ALWAYS recognized as 
spam, so this worked around it.)

I probably have 80 mailboxes, and I have painstakingly control-clicked 
on every one of them, looking for that rule. I cannot find it.

So now I'm wondering if there is some XML for other plain-english 
location in (say) application support/mailmate (or somewhere) that holds 
all the rules. Perhaps if I can find that (Iand  it exists, of course) I 
can find and delete my old, unwanted, invisible,  rule, and quit 
filtering his stuff.

Any suggestions?



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