[MlMt] Key Bindings question

Randall Meadows randy.meadows at not-pc.com
Mon Oct 15 17:22:31 EDT 2018

I'm trying to embrace keybindings more and more, and have a few 
questions (that I'll probably post over time).

To start off, the key bindings selector list shows:

archive:       - Shorthand for ( 'moveToMailbox:', 'archive' )
moveToJunk:    - Shorthand for ( 'moveToMailbox:', 'junk' )
deleteMessage: - Shorthand for ( 'moveToMailbox:', 'trash' )

Do I assume correctly that, given an installation that has multiple 
accounts configured, that running these selectors on specific messages 
will move said messages to the corresponding ACCOUNT'S 
archive|junk|trash mailbox (without having to specify specifically a 
specific account's specific mailbox [thus requiring multiple command 
specifications, one for each account])?

For example, a command executed on a message sitting in Foo's INBOX will 
move that message to Foo's Trash mailbox?

Does this still hold if the message selection spans multiple accounts?  
E.g., I have two messages selected, one from Foo, one from Bar; does 
executing that command move one message to Foo's Trash and the other 
message to Bar's Trash?

Finally, does this work for arbitrarily named mailboxes (i.e., not the 
"known" archive|junk|trash mailboxes, but also for, say, the SpamSieve 
Train[Good|Spam] mailboxes?  So can I have a single command that does a 
( 'moveToMailbox:', 'TrainGood' ) and regardless of the account, the 
message will be moved to the appropriate account's training mailbox?

Finally—really—does this also apply to the 
archive:|moveToJunk:|deleteMessage: shorthand keybinding selectors?


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