[MlMt] Two accounts, similar recipient, account suggestion order

Andrew V. Jones andrew.jones at vectorcast.com
Fri Mar 23 11:42:42 EDT 2018


I have two accounts setup in MailMate (call them "A" and "B") and I 
email a contact with the same name from the different accounts (call 
them "C1" and "C2").

I email C1 only from A, and C2 only from B, however, they both have the 
same display name (e.g., "Andrew Jones").

The problem here is that, because they both have the same name, if I 
type in "Andrew Jones" and just auto-select, then MailMate selects the 
most recently emailed contact, irrespective as to which account I am 
currently in.

For example, I write an email to C2 from B, and then change to the inbox 
for A, hit cmd+n (so it is composing from A) and start to type "Andrew 
Jones" — MailMate will now suggest C2, even though 99% of emails to 
"Andrew Jones" go to C1 rather than C2 (the 1% only exist because of 
MailMate making this bad choice in the past, and me missing it!).

Even more “problematically” is that C1 and A are on the same domain 
(e.g., “andrew at mailmate.com” from “me at mailmate.com”), while C2 
and B are also on the same domain (e.g., “andrew at gmail.com” and 
“me at gmail.com”). The selection by MailMate to email C1 from B (or C2 
from A) is therefore even more odd, because it is choosing to send 
emails “outside the organisation”. It would be nice if there was 
some preference towards favouring recipients on the same domain.

After I have corrected the mistake (i.e., explicitly choosing C1 when 
composing in A) then MailMate now remembers I want to email C1, so the 
autocompletion is in the correct order.

Is there anything that can be configured to work around this? It is 
embarrassing how many times I sent the wrong stuff to C1/C2 because of 
my "trust" in autocomplete!



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