[MlMt] Archive oddities

Ian Petersen iep at circa.dk
Sun Apr 15 09:49:02 EDT 2018

My IMAP account (on Runbox) has, as usual, an *Archive* folder. I also 
have had an *Archives* (with an S) folder containing yearly archive 
folders thus:

├── Archive
└── Archives
     ├── 2016
     ├── 2017
     └── 2015

So the current year’s mail gets archived in the *Archive* folder and 
then gets moved (manually) to the *Archives/<Year>* when a new year 
comes around. I have used this system for years with other clients 
without problems. I think it dates back to when I used Thunderbird some 
years ago.

Anyway, since using Mailmate I notice my current year’s (2018) 
archives are not going into the *Archive* folder as they should but 
getting put into seemingly random folders under *Archives*. I’ve found 
recent 2018 messages in 2017, 2016, 2012 etc. as well as the in the root 
*Archives* folder … Hmm!

This caused me some consternation, so I have tidied things up using the 
Runbox web interface - I have renamed *Archives* to *Years* and moved 
all the wrongly archived messages to their rightful yearly folders. All 
is well so I thought.

However, when now I archive a message in Mailmate it *recreates* the 
*Archives/2012* folder and puts the message in there!

So how do I convince MM that *Archives* doesn’t exist any more, and is 
now called *Years* , and that it should just put archived messages in 

What to do?

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