[MlMt] Rules on Inbox - Generic

Benny Kjær Nielsen mailinglist at freron.com
Sat Nov 11 02:22:42 EST 2017

On 7 Nov 2017, at 15:37, Marc ARC wrote:

> A gentle nag about a feature we discussed below.

It's still a somewhat confusing feature (to me). I had to read the 
thread again to get back on track :-)

>>>> I think GUI-wise the "new-move" version could look like this
>>>> 	[From] [is in] [Mailbox/SmartMailbox] [From]
>>>> 	[Generic Move to first matched Source Mailbox of]  
>>>> [Mailbox/SmartMailbox]
>>>> 	or
>>>> 	[Dynamic Move to first matched Source of]  [Mailbox/SmartMailbox]
>>>> 	or
>>>> 	[Fuzzy Move to Source of]  [Mailbox/SmartMailbox]
>>> I think this illustrates that it's hard to make such a feature 
>>> intuitive. A better (and cleaner) approach would be to make the 
>>> action independent of the conditions. The action could then be 
>>> something like:
>>> 	Move to Related Mailbox based on [Header] in [Mailbox]
>> When [Header] means the actual functionality we have for filtering on 
>> “header contained info” then this will be a great feature.

It would only allow exact matches on any header specifier, e.g., “From 
▸ Address”, but I also think that would be good enough. Otherwise, I 
would need some use case examples.

Maybe I should rewrite it a bit:

	Move Using [Header] in [Smart Mailbox]

This emphasizes that the header is the important part and that it 
primarily/only makes sense to have a smart mailbox on the right hand 
side such that more than 1 IMAP mailbox can be involved.

>>> The “Mailbox” could be any smart or IMAP mailbox/account. It 
>>> would trigger MailMate to look for the first message in Mailbox with 
>>> the same header value. When found, the new message would be moved to 
>>> the same IMAP mailbox as the found message. It would be like an IMAP 
>>> mailbox variant of the Submailboxes feature for smart mailboxes.
>>> This would allow a worst case near-linear running time if a large 
>>> number of messages are “moved” (linear in terms of the size of 
>>> the mailbox used in the action).
>>> Note that in this case there would be no need for a condition for 
>>> the rule except for maybe limiting the messages triggering the 
>>> action.
>>> A somewhat related feature would allow simply creating IMAP 
>>> mailboxes based on a header value:
>>> 	Move to Submailbox of [IMAP Mailbox/Account] based on [Header]
>> This would be a nice to have, and I already see some use for it.
>> From a “what I like to have first” point-of-view this is last on 
>> my list.

Ok. Let's focus on the above.

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