[MlMt] Change font of headers view

Peter Keller-Marxer peter.keller at ikeep.com
Mon May 29 17:35:54 EDT 2017


I tried to change the font and font size of the headers view as 
described in the manual 

	defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmHeadersViewFontName -string 
	defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmHeadersViewFontSize -float 16

This doesn't work for me (1.9.6 (5347)): The key values are set, but 
font and font size are not changed. However, it works when using the 
keys `MmHeadersViewWebKitStandardFont` and 
`MmHeadersViewWebKitDefaultFontSize` instead.

There are two other keys, `MmHeadersViewWebKitSansSerifFont` and 
`MmHeadersViewWebKitDefaultFixedFontSize`. What do they control?

Kind Regards,

- - -
__Peter Keller-Marxer__

__ikeep Ltd__ ⋅ Fuhrenstrasse 2 ⋅ CH-3098 Schliern b. Koeniz ⋅ 
Switzerland ⋅ [ikeep.com](http://ikeep.com)

- - -

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