[MlMt] Apply Rules on Inbox

David Ledger mailmate at ivdcs.co.uk
Mon Jan 16 08:48:38 EST 2017

On 16 Jan 2017, at 12:43, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

> On 15 Jan 2017, at 20:54, Bram Heerink wrote:
>> I want to move all mail with an List-Id **and** is older than 7 days 
>> to a specific folder. I read somewhere that the Rules will be checked 
>> if mail gets delivered to the inbox. So, this results in no e-mails 
>> moved. But apply rules does nothing to. How is this supposed to work?
> In addition to the other reply I'd just like to point out a limitation 
> in MailMate: Rule conditions are only checked when a message is 
> “added” to a mailbox (any kind of mailbox). This means that 
> date-based conditions do not work well. The workaround is to create a 
> date-based smart mailbox instead and then have an action-only rule on 
> that. When the date is reached then the message is “added” to the 
> mailbox and the rule is triggered. (But this only happens if MailMate 
> is open when the date condition is reached. It's ok if the machine is 
> sleeping. The rule is then triggered when it wakes up.)
> -- 
> Benny

When a message is added to a mailbox, are all the messages in there 
scanned against the rules or only that message that was transferred?

Is there ant way to trigger a scan of all messages in a mailbox 
externally, say using cron?


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