[MlMt] Rules and when are they applied

Pedro Lobo pedro at plobo.net
Mon Apr 17 17:26:01 EDT 2017

Hey all,

I'm in need of assistance. I never really had much need for rules so 
never explored them further. Today however, I found a wonderful use case 
for me and I want to use rules to do it, but for some odd reason it's 
not working as I expect.

**Use Case:** Flag an email on mobile/web and have an always on mac with 
MM running. When MM sees a newly flagged email, it runs a bundle command 
to add the mail to a task list.

 From my testing, this isn't working. If I add the rule to the global 
inbox and trigger apply rules, nothing happens, but if I select the 
email (or even all emails in inbox) and press apply rules, it works.


1. Where is the ideal place to add a rule like this? global Inbox or 
each account's inbox
2. Is it necessary that the message be selected for rules to be applied 
to it
3. If not, how often are rules run

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