[MlMt] mailmate memory usage and such...

Seebs mailmate-list at seebs.net
Wed Oct 26 16:12:40 EDT 2016

I have an 8GB machine (2015 13" MBP) which has taken to getting oddly 
slow lately, as though overloaded by something. Poking around, I did 
notice that a lot of apps have fairly large memory footprints, and a lot 
of "compressed" memory. And one of the larger apps is Mailmate, now at 
~500MB. (Firefox is larger once it's been up a while, but not much else 
gets that large.)

According to mailmate, I have a little under 200k messages. Is that Too 
Many for mailmate? Should I be exporting some of them in some other 
format to reduce lag/load? I don't know that much about what my options 
are. I'd be fine with archiving some stuff fairly permanently, but I do 
like having my entire history available for some stuff. (For instance, 
if I want to complain about spam, it's *useful* to have a complete 
archive of spam from that source available.)


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