[MlMt] External anti-spam filter, Roaring Penguin

Benny Kjær Nielsen mailinglist at freron.com
Mon Nov 16 03:46:59 EST 2015

On 15 Nov 2015, at 17:07, Lars Fischer wrote:

> All this works fine, and I can train the filter by finding the right 
> url in the headers.  However, it would of course be easier if MailMate 
> supported this - i.e., if I could configure that the “Move out of 
> Junk” button fetch this header and do the http request for nonspam 
> training, and likewise when moving a mail to Junk.
> Is there a ways to do this?

Yes, but it requires creating a MailMate bundle (which is still 
undocumented). The bundle would provide commands to get the relevant 
header and call the server (using `curl`).

You could then add a rule to the junk mailbox to automatically call the 
junk bundle command, but it might be better to explicitly call these 
commands when needed. The rules could then include moving to Junk or 
moving to Inbox when that is appropriate. Well, you could do both.

I'm a bit swamped by feedback these days, but I'd be willing to help you 
out if you want to create a Roaring Penguin bundle. In particular if you 
share it with other users :-)

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