[MlMt] r5072 - Unread Smartfolder not displaying message count for sub-folders

Scott A. McIntyre mailmate at howyagoin.net
Thu Mar 12 17:27:56 EDT 2015


>> new mail arrives and is detected in various folders, the Unread 
>> folder
>> can have a dynamically updating list of how many unread messages are
>> present in what folder.  Might be a nice option.
> I'm not sure I follow. Can't you just leave it expanded? Does it 
> collapse by itself?

Yes.  As soon as you've read the last unread message, the folder 
automatically collapses.

And, as often happens, new mail arrives shortly thereafter and I'm left 
with "Unread    38" (or whatever).

It would just be a time-saver for me if the expanded view for that smart 
folder could stay expanded, but as folders get read (marked "Seen", 
which is how the Unread smart folder is set up -- folders where messages 
are not Seen), they would vanish from the list (and only re-appear when 
new mail is sorted into them).


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