[MlMt] Display format of To column in list

Benny Kjær Nielsen mailinglist at freron.com
Fri Aug 7 19:01:35 EDT 2015

On 7 Aug 2015, at 23:42, Brenda Bell wrote:

> I receive email at numerous address and often want to sort certain 
> folders by To. In the list, MailMate is displaying the friendly name 
> instead of the email address which messes up the sort… i.e., mail 
> sent to “<Brenda> some-address at some-domain” isn’t sorted inline 
> with mail sent to “<some-address at some-domain> 
> some-address at some-domain”, even though the destination address is 
> identical.
> Is there any way to control how the To address is displayed?

Yes, although you are mainly interested in how it's sorted. It's quite 
low-level though. You can save the attached file to this folder:

	~/Library/Application\ Support/MailMate/Resources/MmMessagesOutlineView

First make sure it exists:

	mkdir -p ~/Library/Application\ 

I've swapped the sorting priorities such that email address is the 
primary sort key.

A word of warning: If I ever make changes to the To column in MailMate 
then you are not going to see those changes because of this file.

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	columns =
		to =
			title = "To";
			sortKey = "to.split.address, to.split.name";
			formatting =
				formatString = "${to.name:${to.address}}";
				placeholderString = "(No Recipient)";
				// Not tested: formatString = "${to.name:${to.address:${cc.name:${cc.address:${bcc.name:?Bcc: ${bcc.name}:${bcc.address:+Bcc: ${bcc.address}}}}}}}";
				doubleClick =
					titleFormatting = { prefixString = "To "; formatString = "“${to.address}”"; separator = " or "; };
					queryFormatting = { formatString = "to.address = '${to.address}'"; separator = " or "; escapeSingleQuotes = 1; };
			relatedSearches =
					titleImage = "NSUser";
					titleFormatting = { formatString = "To “${#recipient.address}”"; separator = " or "; };
					queryFormatting = { formatString = "#recipient.address = '${#recipient.address}'"; separator = " or "; escapeSingleQuotes = 1; };
					titleImage = "NSUser";
					titleFormatting = { formatString = "To “${#recipient.name}”"; separator = " or "; };
					queryFormatting = { formatString = "#recipient.name = '${#recipient.name}'"; separator = " or "; escapeSingleQuotes = 1; };
					titleImage = "NSUser";
					titleFormatting = { formatString = "From or To “${#recipient.address}”"; separator = " or "; };
					queryFormatting = { formatString = "#any-address.address = '${#recipient.address}'"; separator = " or "; escapeSingleQuotes = 1; };
					titleImage = "NSUser";
					titleFormatting = { formatString = "From or To “${#recipient.name}”"; separator = " or "; };
					queryFormatting = { formatString = "#any-address.name = '${#recipient.name}'"; separator = " or "; escapeSingleQuotes = 1; };

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