[MlMt] Keyboard navigation

Gueorgui Tcherednitchenko gueorgui at gmail.com
Fri Apr 10 05:07:51 EDT 2015

Hi everyone,

I'm a new Mailmate user (been using it for less than a month), and I'm 
learning to get around the app with keyboard shortcuts. I have the Gmail 
keyboard shortcuts enabled, and I'm using the Correspondance layout.

Right now, my most used pattern is as follows:

- Cmd-T to switch to a mailbox
- Attempt to use J/K to attempt moving between messages

However, the focus of the keyboard is in the message webview (it seems), 
so hitting J/K will move between messages in the Correspondance view 
instead — without it being actually focused. If I want to navigate 
between messages, I have to Shift-Tab a couple of times to bring the 
message list back into focus.

Is there a way around? Am I misusing the Correspondance layout somehow?

Any suggestions, or examples of your own workflows appreciated :)



PS: Thank you, Benny, for building this app! It makes interacting with 
email a joy.
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