[MlMt] Suddenly, all my emails are going to junk

Simon Kaplan simon at kaplan.id.au
Wed Jul 23 04:16:34 EDT 2014

Hi there

I've been using MM for a couple weeks now, and really loving it.  But 
just today, after I updated to the most recent version of SpamSieve, all 
my emails started going to junk and a look at SpamSieve's blacklist 
showed that all email addresses are being added to my blacklist.  I 
tried downgrading to the last non-beta release of SpamSieve and deleting 
the entries from my blacklist but that didn't help -- the addresses just 
get added as new messages come in...  Can anyone help/any suggestions 
for why this is happening?

(Curiously when I switched to Apple Mail and had it load the past 2 
weeks email, none of the 'good' messages went to Spam (which is what 
you'd expect, given all the spam had already been filtered).  So it 
looks like its a MM problem rather than a SpamSieve problem)

Professor Simon Kaplan
Director, Skills & Industry Transformation
Director, Queensland Research Laboratory

Office:  70-72 Bowen Street, Spring Hill, QLD 4000
Postal:  PO Box 10522, Brisbane Adelaide St, QLD 4000
M +61 411 511 122 | skype: simonmkaplan
www.nicta.com.au |  simon.kaplan at nicta.com.au
Twitter: @simonkaplan |  LinkedIn: au.linkedin.com/in/simonmkaplan

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