[MlMt] BBEdit command bundle

Fredrik Jonsson frjo at xdeb.org
Fri Apr 11 09:10:03 EDT 2014

Benny Kjær Nielsen 2014-04-11 14:12 wrote:

> With your permission I might want to add it to the set of bundles 
> included with MailMate

Happy to contribute!

> environment = 'MM_SUBJECT=${subject.body:(no subject)}\n';

Made this change but the title of the BBEdit window still only shows the 
default filename. No big problem however.

> MailMate uses `.eml.markdown` when the Composer is in Markdown mode 
> and uses `.eml.txt` when the Composer is in non-Markdown mode. Do you 
> see something different?

That works very well, just bad testing by me :-).

> Note that `^C` translates to ⌃⇧C. Does that help?

I tried to set it now to "^E" but it doesn't "take". But having all 
editors use the same shortcut and let users disable bundles sounds lika 
a good idea.


Web: <http://xdeb.org/fredrik>

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