[MlMt] Keybinding for moving to the top of the message list?

Ryan Erwin ryanerwin at mac.com
Thu Sep 12 22:37:50 EDT 2013

Benny has already added a bunch of keybindings, such as 
selectNextMessageRow and selectNextMailboxRow but I don't think the ones 
we're looking for (top of message list) exist yet. I think we want 
something like:

	"G" = "selectFirstMailboxRow:";
	"gg" = "selectLastMailboxRow:";
	" " = "selectNextMailboxPage:"; (space)

Here is what I've got so far that creates a pretty nice, vi like 

	"/"	= "mailboxSearch:";

	"J" = "selectNextMailboxRow:";
	"K" = "selectPreviousMailboxRow:";
	"j" = "selectNextMessageRow:";
	"k" = "selectPreviousMessageRow:";
	"l" = "expandThread:"; // →
	"h" = "collapseThread:"; // ←
	"L" = "expandAll:";
	"H" = "collapseAll:";

Ryan in Shanghai
ryanerwin at mac.com

On 13 Sep 2013, at 4:46, Steve Mayer wrote:
> Anyone know of a keybinding that will take me to the top of the 
> message list?  scrollPageUp: and scrollPageDown: only seem to function 
> in a message viewer window.
> Thanks,
> -- 
> Steve Mayer
> smayer69 at me.com
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