[MlMt] Condition today

Daniel Mann daniel.mann at terranhost.com
Tue Oct 15 12:27:47 EDT 2013

On 15 Oct 2013, at 12:11, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
> Similarly a checkmark would mean “from the beginning of this 
> week/month/year”.

Most of the MailMate user base probably uses (or is familiar enough 
with) a calendar that starts the year on January 1, and months start on 
the 1st. However, some define the start of a week differently. I know 
people just within the United States who consider a week to start on 
different days: some say Sunday, some say Monday. (I have my work 
calendar set to start each week on Monday, but once worked in an office 
where the weekly time clock ran from Saturday to Friday so that weekend 
work could be flexed out by Friday to avoid paying overtime.)

Maybe not a big deal, but perhaps a detail to consider.

Also, I know that you are already thinking about this, but it is good to 
consider what is meant by e.g. "within 1 day". Does that mean 24 hours? 
1 calendar day? Do people think that means something different at 1:00AM 
than at 2:00PM (14:00)?

Nice to think about, and I'm sure that you will make good and thoughtful 
choices if you decide to implement a feature like this.


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