[MlMt] Delete Autocompleted E-Mail Address From To Field

Bill Cole mmlist-20120120 at billmail.scconsult.com
Tue Mar 12 16:34:23 UTC 2013

On 8 Mar 2013, at 8:20, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

> On 28 Feb 2013, at 11:40, Alexandre Takacs wrote:
>> On 28 Feb 2013, at 11:21, Mateusz Parzonka wrote:
>>> As Alexandre explained, its a dynamic list.
>> If find it mostly problematic when corresponding with people having 
>> multiple valid addresses (say work and private). You never know which 
>> one will auto complete…
> It'll be very hard for MailMate to predict which one you want. I 
> assume you have the addresses marked as work/private in the Address 
> Book and what you need is some way to see this information in MailMate 
> when auto-completing?

Rather than requiring an explicit marking of addresses, I'd rather see 
MM construct & sort the list more intelligently. One improvement would 
be to canonicalize & de-dupe addresses so that only the most frequently 
used version of functionally identical addresses is offered. For 
example, if I type my boss' first name into the To field, I get 7 
choices in the pop-up, all of which have one of his addresses (his name 
is not very common) and 5 of which share functionally identical email 
addresses, with variations in the "real name" part and address 
capitalizations. I don't really care much which of those 5 I use, but it 
would be better to have 3 choices rather than 7, with the first one 
being the most commonly used form of the most commonly used address.

> It would be really nice to be able to add additional information to 
> the addresses shown in the completion popup, but unfortunately I 
> haven't found any way to do this without having to rewrite the 
> standard GUI component used for the address field (an NSTokenField).

More info in a pop-up menu is almost never a UI improvement. Based on 
the docs for NSTokenField, I think the reduced form of the completion 
menu would be a matter of writing a substantially smarter "delegate" for 
the field rather than reimplementing the whole NSTokenField class, but 
the space available for me to be misunderstanding that is unconstricted.

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