[MlMt] Changes to support x-real-to, x-envelope-to and envelope-to as a single condition

Kee Hinckley kee+freron at hinckley.com
Tue Dec 3 19:27:25 EST 2013

I also found in my mail an x-msreally-to header, so I added that as well

These are changes to 
There may be a local place it can be stored, I tried 
Support/MailMate/Frameworks/OakMIME.framework/Versions/A/Resources`` and 
that didn't seem to work, but I may have screwed up part of that. I'll 
try again later.

I've attached the diff. There are two changes.

First to add a new shortcut that will show up in the selector menu.

			shorthand = "#really-to";
			specifiers = ( "x-real-to", "envelope-to", "x-envelope-to", 
"x-msreally-to" );

Secondly, to the definition of an address, to add the new group, and the 
new headers.

		address = {
			// Note that both 'headers' and 'header' are supported as keywords 
(most often only 1 is specified)
			headers = ( "from", "resent-from", "x-original-to", "delivered-to", 
"x-delivered-to", "#original-to", "#really-to", "x-real-to", 
"x-envelope-to", "envelope-to", "x-msreally-to" );
That allows you to have a Submailboxes rule that looks like:

	Submailbox for each unique value of Really-To
	Mailbox name format: ${#really-to}

and picks up any of those values, instead of just one. Works like a 
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