[MlMt] Why do I get a skinny window?

"Benny Kjær Nielsen" mailinglist at freron.com
Fri Sep 15 08:15:54 EDT 2023

On 15 Sep 2023, at 11:45, Annamarie Pluhar wrote:

> It’s annoying. The email message is skinny. Here is [link to 
> screenshot.](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/6fgwxwcob0367rt3g2r42/Screenshot-2023-09-15-at-5.40.30-AM.png?rlkey=jsp71knw6f757gnf5pn8wnk4e&dl=0).
> This happens when I reboot my computer and start up MM. Any ideas how 
> to change this?

But it doesn't happen if you just quit and relaunch MailMate itself? 
(Seems unlikely that a reboot would be necessary to reproduce it.)

In any case, could you try and see if it also happens with the latest 
upload of MailMate: 

If it's still reproducible then write me via Help > Send Feedback an 
we'll debug it together.

(Some users still have a crashing issue with r5984. I don't think that 
is fixed yet, but hopefully I'll figure it out next week. Other than 
that, I believe it's pretty stable.)

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