[MlMt] Why do I get a skinny window?

Henry Seiden info at techworkspro.com
Fri Sep 15 07:04:21 EDT 2023

Hello Annamarie,

Saw your skinny viewer message window link. Some additional context 
would be helpful. Without regard to that, sharing some thoughts on how 
to proceed further to fix what I would term from your description, a 
restart OS window re-size problem (one I have not seen before)…

* When did this start? Perhaps after an OS upgrade, new version of MM, 
an Erase and Install of your startup disk or migration to an entirely 
new Mac? Generally something triggers a similar situation.
* What version of MM are you running and did you recently upgrade it?
* Seems this is (depending on the above) related to some settings in 
your installation got changed/updated, particularly one(s) that affect 
the size of the message viewer window. MM has user settings and default 
settings. It could have been a user-adjustable Layout setting. If not a 
user setting, then its possibly one set in MM’s numerous default 
settings made through a CLI (command line interface)- Terminal. I would 
recommend saving your current settings before experimenting further.
* Have you tried to adjust the Layout settings to different ones? Do the 
settings made “stick” after rebooting (come back to the size 
selected)? How? The Layout option is in the View Menu. They are 
contextual, that is different depending the selected, active screen.
* So you could try to open a message and select a Layout for it in 
Menu>View>Layout from the presets there. See if it the Layout remains as 
you had it when restarting your machine. This will tell you that your 
settings remain as selected. If they don’t the problem is an internal 
setting (Terminal setting) within MM.
* You might also try an app upgrade as a solution.

Communicating results of your troubleshooting might give users here some 
further clues as to what happened. Others may have added thoughts or 


Henry Seiden
- -
Techworks Pro Co.
E: info<at>techworkspro<dot>com
W: http://techworkspro.com

On 15 Sep 2023, at 5:45, Annamarie Pluhar wrote:

> Hello all,
> It’s annoying. The email message is skinny. Here is [link to 
> screenshot.](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/6fgwxwcob0367rt3g2r42/Screenshot-2023-09-15-at-5.40.30-AM.png?rlkey=jsp71knw6f757gnf5pn8wnk4e&dl=0).
> This happens when I reboot my computer and start up MM. Any ideas how 
> to change this?
> Thanks
> Annamarie
> 802-451-1941
> 802-579-5975
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