[MlMt] CTRL+OPTION+CMD-F / Setting Search Defaults

Fredrik Jonsson frjo at xdeb.org
Wed Jan 1 13:53:00 EST 2025

Robert M. Münch 2025-01-01 15:19 wrote:

> I use the CTRL+OPTION+CMD-F to filter/search within smart mailboxes.

MailMate has a neat function to set up custom keybindings.

I have set it so "s" starts a global search and "/" starts a search in the current mailbox.

  // Custom keybindings for Mailmate
  "s" = ( "goToMailbox:", "ALL_MESSAGES", "mailboxSearch:" );
  "/" = "mailboxSearch:";

> Is there a way to pre-configure the selection of which parts of messages are searched? It’s always set to From=>Contains, but I would like to search for Common Headers and Text.

Edit -> Find -> Use as default search


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