[MlMt] mail redirection

aisrael alain.israel at pasteur.fr
Tue May 28 10:46:03 EDT 2024

Thanks, in this case I did not set up a rule for the Inbox (except now 
for getting rid of all the error messages I currently receive by my 
fault), so I’ll try to contact the IT persons at my institution.

Gmail can be instructed to import emails from a different source (using 
the Accounts and import tab in the Settings), but I checked before 
deleting the Gmail account, and there did not seem to be anything set up 
there. Is it at all possible that a rule set up in Gmail can still be 
active once the Gmail account has been deleted?


On 28 May 2024, at 16:35, Bill Cole wrote:

> On 2024-05-28 at 08:52:22 UTC-0400 (Tue, 28 May 2024 08:52:22 -0400)
> Verdon Vaillancourt <mailmate at lists.freron.com>
> is rumored to have said:
>> It’s possibly MailMate, but more likely the server wherever the 
>> original email accounts are.
> +1
> Usually this sort of redirection is done at the server.
> HOWEVER, it is possible to do this in a MailMate rule attached to the 
>>> On May 28, 2024, at 3:45 AM, aisrael <alain.israel at pasteur.fr> 
>>> wrote:
>>> Several years ago I set up a mechanism to forward my emails (at 
>>> least those in one of my 2 accounts) to my Gmail account, that I 
>>> could use as a sort of backup.
>>> More recently, for reasons which are too long to explain, I had to 
>>> delete my Gmail account. The problem is that I can’t remember 
>>> whether setting up this redirection involved Gmail or Mailmate, and 
>>> despite the fact that the Gmail account no longer exists, the 
>>> redirection seems to still be active, and I receive an error message 
>>> (The email account that you tried to reach does not exist) for each 
>>> mail which arrives in my Inbox. Does anyone know whether this type 
>>> of redirection involves a setting in Gmail or Mailmate? If it is in 
>>> Gmail, and that it keeps working after the Gmail account has been 
>>> deleted, I am definitely in trouble. If it is in Mailamte, there may 
>>> be a way to solve the problem, and I was hoping you might be able to 
>>> help.
>>> Alain
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> Bill Cole
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