[MlMt] Search parameter "is" vs. "contains"

John Doherty jld at jld3.net
Mon May 13 15:50:20 EDT 2024

Rather than just choosing "From" in the condition, choose "From Address" 
from the submenu. Then things seem to work exactly as you'd expect. 
Please see attached screen shot.

On Mon 2024-05-13 01:22 PM MDT -0600, <devynosborne at gmail.com> wrote:

> I’ve run into a curious result when creating search / smart mailbox 
> rules for the From address. Here’s what I’m seeing:
> - “From” “contains” “name at example.com” — this returns 
> the expected results (all emails from name at example.com)
> - “From” “is” “name at example.com” — this returns *zero* 
> results
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