[MlMt] Plain text line wrapping

Randall Gellens mailmate at randy.pensive.org
Tue Jun 25 10:49:28 EDT 2024

On 25 Jun 2024, at 6:17, Eelco Chaudron wrote:

> Hi,
> Is there a configuration option to auto-wrap lines (to let’s say 79 
> chars) when sending plain text emails?
> Cheers,
> Eelco

Plain text mail should be created adhering to format=flowed (RFC 3676), 
which allows each displaying client to wrap lines for the window size 
(reflowing as the window size changes).

Format=flowed sends each paragraph with lines no longer than 80 
characters, but because of the format=flowed marking on the MIME type, 
each displaying client knows it can remove the CRLF within a paragraph 
and reflow as appropriate. Lines that are fixed width are marked so 
displaying clients know not to reflow them. It also marks quote levels.


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