[MlMt] Display URLs for hypertext/links in messages

Topher Buck mailmate at trbk.xyz
Sat Jun 22 15:06:07 EDT 2024

Hello, everyone. This relates to this thread, with subject [hover over 
link to view 
started by Shoshanna Green approximately 4.5 years ago.

I’m running r5937 (and have been for ages, it seems) on macOS Ventura 
13.6.7. It has been a long time since I had the ability to hover over 
hypertext in a message and see the target URL displayed at the bottom of 
the window. I really miss this feature and have been wondering about it 
for... many months, if not a couple of years or more, but I hadn’t 
bothered searching the archive for messages about that until today. 
That’s when I found the thread referenced above. That thread doesn’t 
really answer the question, and I’m not eager to try the nuclear 
option that Eric Sharakan suggested.

Did you ever find a solution, @Shoshanna? I don’t see that Benny ever 
contributed to the discussion, so I’m not sure whether this was ever 
definitively resolved.

On a potentially unrelated (or tangentially related) note, should I 
still be running r5937? I’m generally interested in running a stable 
(not bleeding edge) version, but 5937 seems pretty old at this 
point—though, according to 
https://updates.mailmate-app.com/beta_release_notes, it’s still the 
current public beta.

Many thanks,

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