[MlMt] Becoming a MM patron

Benny Kjær Nielsen mailinglist at freron.com
Sat Jun 8 14:11:28 EDT 2024

On 8 Jun 2024, at 16:33, Steven Taylor wrote:

> The owner of GyazMail said:
>> After May 30, 2022, GyazMail no longer can access your Google account.
>> Secure access (OAuth authentication) to your GyazMail Google account is not supported for the following reasons:
>> A verification process by Google must be required in order to access Gmail more securely.
>> The verification process costs between $10,000 and $75,000 every year.
>> Google will take weeks to complete the verification process.

This is a good example of the effort it takes to figure out exactly what is required. I had the same understanding when Google first introduced requirements for OAuth2 access (years ago), but this was incorrect. There's no required payment for a desktop email app. The same goes for CASA Tier 2 although this is a bit muddled by the requirement to scan the code and not all code scanners being free to use. It might depend on the interpretation of the requirements of individual assessors. We'll see how it goes next year.

To be completely clear, I have not paid anything to Google or anyone else to pass the OAuth2 verification.


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