[MlMt] Whitelist to avoid filing as Junk

leo mailmate at halloleo.hailmail.net
Thu Jul 25 20:54:11 EDT 2024

Aha, yes, Verdon, it probably happens on the 
[Fastmail](https://www.fastmail.com) servers!

So I have to look in _their_ spam management.

Thanks for pointing out the obvious.

On 25 Jul 2024, at 23:31, Verdon Vaillancourt wrote:

> Are you sure this is not happening on the server? Gmail and Outlook 
> can be particularly annoying for this. Even on my private server I run 
> a Mailscanner that identifies spam and potential spam, long before the 
> mail gets to my local client.
> Regards,
> Verdon
>> On Jul 24, 2024, at 10:58 PM, leo <mailmate at halloleo.hailmail.net> 
>> wrote:
>> Emails from a particular sender always go into the Junk folder 
>> (even though I have multiple emails from this sender in the past 
>> manual marked as “Not Junk”.
>> Can I add this sender to a white list (without using SpamSieve)? I 
>> looked through Preferences and Help, but couldn’t find anything…
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