[MlMt] masked icloud email address

Henry Seiden info at techworkspro.com
Mon Dec 9 06:44:34 EST 2024


It seems to work for me on v6058. I’ve added this email to my PGP sign-in as well so it’ll look like a legit email and is securely signed. I never knew it would be so easy either.

I do however have to customize the SMTP address each time in MM to continue the obfuscation for each response, temporarily. Your incoming mail shows the alias header.

Could fix it with a new IMAP account for that alias if I choose to in MM. Don’t know if these or just a simple alias fully answer your needs but you may find them interesting. Be advised that Apple also supports a randomly generated Email address feature Custom Email domains or unique email addresses per specific sender in their extended features at this [iCloud.com location](https://www.icloud.com/icloudplus/customdomain) per iCloud+ account.

Instead I will revert your message to the account used for MM Forum henceforth. OK?


Henry Seiden
- -
Techworks Pro Co.
E: info<at>techworkspro<dot>com
W: http://techworkspro.com

On 9 Dec 2024, at 3:40, aisrael wrote:

> Thanks Henry. I have tried to put a masked address (originated from iCloud, Firefox Relay or duckduckgo) in the From section, but the error message I receive is  :
> Failed to send message. Unexpected return code 550 (expected 250): “5.7.60 SMTP; Client does not have permissions to send as this sender”.
> I would probably have to modify the SMTP server, which probably means upgrading to a more recent version of Mailmate, but I am still not sure it would work. Which recent version of Mailmate would you recommend (I currently use 5964), that brings relevant new features but doe not compromise the old ones?
> Alain
> On 8 Dec 2024, at 14:57, Henry Seiden wrote:
>> Alain,
>> I use this alias if I want to disguise my originating email server account and/or another alias if I want to obfuscate my name with a different one. Trouble is I do have to train MailMate (using the customize address drop-down) to put it into the from address, since it responds with my actual email address.
>> Apple allows me to change it to something entirely different at will. So I may use it in future.
>> Another limitation is that would need to add this to my PGP encryption if I intend to use it. I don’t need to encrypt an alias though. And don’t need to send encrypted content either.
>> Henry
>> On 8 Dec 2024, at 8:13, aisrael wrote:
>>> In which context can you use this alias? (that I used to respond to your email)
>>> Alain
>>> On 8 Dec 2024, at 14:09, Henry Seiden wrote:
>>>> Alain,
>>>> One of my Aliases in iCloud email is: [hmsbubba<at>iCloud<dot>com](mailto:hmsbubba at icloud.com).
>>>> You obviously know how to confirm/view yours: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://account.apple.com/account/manage__;!!JFdNOqOXpB6UZW0!t7aS_OlKLGWkV16bUlcYCP4-DGVMMHIwgfVzxKSi2xJ2TPCzCCaLOKzHjW8dNndYIYo_nsNNFVbFx3nGwmz0Rw$
>>>> Respectfully,
>>>> Henry Seiden
>>>> - -
>>>> Techworks Pro Co.
>>>> E: info<at>techworkspro<dot>com
>>>> W: https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://techworkspro.com__;!!JFdNOqOXpB6UZW0!t7aS_OlKLGWkV16bUlcYCP4-DGVMMHIwgfVzxKSi2xJ2TPCzCCaLOKzHjW8dNndYIYo_nsNNFVbFx3nA7CtBRA$
>>>> On 8 Dec 2024, at 7:10, aisrael wrote:
>>>>> PS : Henry, you write “ I have a masked sending account” : what is it?_______________________________________________
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