[MlMt] tags associated with messages

Scott mailmate at howyagoin.net
Mon Dec 2 17:15:31 EST 2024

On 3 December 2024, at 0544, Steve Mayer via mailmate wrote:

> I’m able to see tags on messages that I’ve applied in MailMate with Preside on iOS and vice versa.  As far as I know the tags are IMAP Keywords which should be stored with the message in the IMAP store.

As the kids said a few years ago:  This is the way.

As others have pointed out, getting Tags to work between devices, and even between applications on the same device, is essentially down to the IMAP server itself and the support for IMAP Keywords it has.

In addition to Preside working for iOS (and, indeed, being a spectacular way to help view/clean-up your tags, if your IMAP server supports them), I've had great results with:

o  Mutt
o  neomutt
o  Roundcube webmail

The latter did require an old plugin and a bit of tweaking, but, it confirmed that MailMate was doing the right thing by the IMAP servers I use (Dovecot, Cyrus).

For email archiving from MailMate, I also modified the "DevonThink Pro" command to respect tags from MailMate and save them as tags in DevonThink.

It's rather frustrating that support isn't more ubiquitous, but, these combinations have worked very well and consistently for me.


> Steve Mayer
> smayer69 at me.com
> On 2 Dec 2024, at 12:36, Henry Seiden wrote:
>> Hi Jeff,
>> After comparing a tagged email on another machine running the same version, I found that the tag was NOT visible when applied to an incoming message there. Therefore it is only applied only to the locally stored incoming message filed at the local user.
>> OTOH if your outgoing message has a tag applied, you could check to see if that tag gets transferred to the message headers and somehow would be decoded by MM at other machines. So, ig your question is whether a tag is attached to outgoing messages that might be a different scenario.
>> You would likely have to move the massages themselves. There is np instruction that I could find about migrating tagged messages or databases containing header information when moving to a new machine.
>> Respectfully,
>> Henry Seiden
>> - -
>> Techworks Pro Co.
>> E: info<at>techworkspro<dot>com
>> W: http://techworkspro.com
>> On 2 Dec 2024, at 12:04, Jeff Bullard via mailmate wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I followed [these instructions](https://lists.freron.com/mailmate/2016-January/005542.html) on the forum from 2016 for “syncing” the settings between two devices (*i.e.*, copying the `.plist` files when MailMate is shut down on both devices).  This worked for most things except that the messages I have tagged on the source device are still not tagged on the destination device.  Do I need to copy over the Database folder or the Messages folder for that to work?
>>> Thanks
>>> —Jeff

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