[MlMt] Finger slip deleted a mailbox - how recover?

Robert Brenstein mailmate at learning-insights.eu
Sun Oct 20 16:19:00 EDT 2019

On 1 Apr 2019, at 14:33, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

> On 27 Mar 2019, at 10:23, Marc ARC wrote:
>>> But I do accept the premise that the consequences of an 
>>> unintentional move can be a big problem. I think it might be best if 
>>> I simply added some kind of “are you sure” warning when moving 
>>> IMAP mailboxes. Naturally, that should include an option to suppress 
>>> it. Something similar already exists for deleting IMAP mailboxes.
>> What about this alternatives ?
>> - when somebody wants to drag a message “ to move please hold alt 
>>>> Or
>> - when somebody wants to drag a message “ to move please activate 
>> blabla “
>> - “Enable edit mode for mailboxes” which could sit in the menu 
>> and desactivates it self after xx minutes
> I could perhaps imagine an edit mode, but I don't think automatic 
> deactivation would work well.
> The more I think about it, I think a warning is the best way to go. 
> It'll solve the problem of accidental moves and it'll give me an 
> opportunity to warn about the consequences of moving mailboxes. I 
> don't think most users realize how inefficiently this is handled when 
> using multiple email clients configured with the same IMAP account (a 
> recent [RFC](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8474) tries to solve this 
> problem, but that'll only be a theoretical solution for the 
> foreseeable future).
> -- 
> Benny

Sorry for resurrecting an old thread, but, over past few months, I have 
managed to drop some mailboxes into other mailboxes, mostly not even 
being aware of when and how I did it, just noticing that suddenly one of 
the top-level mailboxes is missing. It just happened again last week and 
now today. So yes, apparently I need some protection from myself ;-)

I would vote for having to hold some (modifier) key down when 
rearranging mailboxes, whichever key Benny thinks is appropriate. 
Accidental moves when both hands are requires will be rare. Warning 
dialogs might be too disruptive (warning upon deletion is required - 
that is a different case). Edit mode seems to me an overkill. Holdin a 
key with one hand while rearranging mailboxes using the mouse in the 
other hand seems only a small deviation from current operation. Of 
course, users should be able to toggle this on and off since some might 
not be able to do two-hand manipulations or may simply do not want such 
a protection.

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